Commit to spending a minimum of one hour of time visiting our Lord on a regular basis.
Altar Servers
Any student who is in the 4th grade and has made his or her First Communion is welcome to serve at the altar. Training takes place in the fall of each year.
Extraordinary Minister of Communion to the Homebound, Sick or Hospital
Bring Communion to those who cannot attend Mass.
Extraordinary Minister
Our communion ministers serve the congregation at our weekend and holy day Masses. More ministers are needed at each Mass so that we can offer both the Precious Body and Blood. Please prayerfully consider joining this ministry. Gift Bearer
Takes the gifts of bread and wine up to the altar during the Offertory.
Intercessory Prayer Group
Group meets every Saturday after the morning Mass.
Reads the Old and New Testament readings, the Prayers of the Faithful and may be asked to read the announcements for the week. The word of God is a powerful presence in our liturgy. Please consider sharing your faith with our parish community.
Linen Care
Wash & iron purificators every couple of weeks.
Music Ministry
St. Mary’s offers an Adult Choir which sings at Mass on Sunday and special liturgies. We also offer a Children’s Choir which sings monthly. Both choirs meet every Wednesday evening to practice. Call Vilma at (847) 791-2817 for more information.
Prepares the holy vessels, puts out hosts and wine needed for Mass, assists altar servers in preparation for Mass, makes sure all Eucharistic ministers are present, and cleans holy vessels after Mass.
Takes up collection, distributes bulletins and other handouts, locates seating for members of the congregation, provide general assistance during Mass.
Church Decorating Committee
Help decorate the church at Christmas and Easter (help with flowers on Holy Saturday).
Funeral Reception
Serve refreshments after funerals. (This requires someone available during the day.)
Office/Clerical Help
For parish office on an as needed basis. (to stuff bulletins, answering phones, etc.)
Catechist Aide
Assists the teacher with classroom management.
Catechist (Teacher) Substitute Catechist
Takes the teacher’s place in the classroom when the teacher is not able to be there.
RCIA – (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
This is Fall to Spring commitment. Join us as a Team Member/sponsor or prepare to join the Church.
St. Vincent DePaul
The St. Vincent DePaul Society are men and women who live out their faith in action by providing support, and material assistance to those who are in need and suffering. The society is working with other organizations and churches in the area to open a thrift store. Please consider donating some of your time to helping those in need